We had a ton of fun making the Chronic Resilience book trailer. It hatched as an idea somewhere in my mind to put the book’s message on screen to demonstrate that even with illness life can be something really special.
I wrote three scripts. Version one was too deep. My inner philosophy professor tends to go there sometimes. What came out was very heartfelt, but alas ideological and kinda out there. The philosophy professor voice in my head loved it, but that isn’t the book at all.
The book is a chat over coffee not a sob-filled confessional with your spiritual advisor. Side note: I’ve had those and they can be wonderful.
The second version I wrote was too bubbly. I guess something I was trying for that was decidedly not me.
Version three landed somewhere in the middle, just as Goldilocks would have wanted it. I wrote it to be honest and with the flavor that you’ll actually read in the book.
At noon on a Sunday, our amazing videographer came by to shoot the trailer. The only issue was that it was 106-degrees out. Yikes.
We decided to prolong going outside (and the sweat) and shoot me talking through the script. I hadn’t prepared for this, so as the guys got things set up, I furiously began memorizing.
Zoned. Out.
After that it was off to film some of what I do all the time around here: read, take meds, check my blood pressure, cook and hang with Phillip.
Then we ventured out into the heat. The hot, sticky, smoldering heat.
My all time favorite thing to do is play with the dogs outside. I love to see them run with their tongues hanging out the sides of their mouths. I was committed to getting my fuzzy girls in the trailer, so we loaded up and headed to the park.
Yet, once we got there all they wanted to do was lay in the shade. 106-degrees is not made for playing. With some cajoling in squeaky high voices, we got Abbey to do her normal goofy stuff, but Emma was not having any of it.
After 15 minutes, none of us could stand it any longer and we called it a wrap.
Once home, Abbey sprawled out on the tile floor with her back to us. I think she was peeved that we got her all excited, tricked her into going to the park, and then it was hotter than hot. A graceful dog at heart, she has since forgiven us.
I am really happy with the way the trailer turned out. It gives an accurate peek at what you’ll find in Chronic Resilience. Enjoy! (ooh…and please pass it along. Thanks!)