I would never say that I’m grateful to have chronic health issues, but there are blessings that can come out of challenging health, if you know where to look. Here are my top 10: Acceptance. Acceptance is one of the most important skills we can cultivate. It is inevitable that…
Living Without a Plan
Life is very up in the air for me and Phillip right now. Everything from where we will be in two months, to our careers, to my health, to our finances is unsettled. Normally this would really freak me out. I love, love, love to plan. I’ve been writing affirmations…
Grateful for The Rose: Planting Something Positive
I was back in the hospital with pneumonia, somewhere between seven and nine years old. This was a fairly regular occurrence during my childhood. Kids that have TEF (tracheoesophageal fistula, an abnormal connection between the trachea and esophagus) can have lasting pulmonary complications. I’m sure I felt pretty crappy. I…
First Glimpse of Spring: A Day in Napa
Spring is such a sweet time of year. It is as if the flowers and trees are reminding us that new beginnings can come out of that which looks completely bare. There is almost nothing better for stress than being outside, fresh air, off leash dogs running with tongues floppy…
20 Random Things to Love
I’m feeling particularly sentimental this Valentine’s Day. And while I can’t know exactly how love works; I know when it is there. I can sense it in the quiet moments when it whispers and in the intoxicating swirls when it feels like your heart will burst. Today, I’m letting love…
I Am Not My Body
I am not my body I am not confined by my skin or defined by a diagnosis I am not a state of mind: tired, frustrated, lost I am not a thought, positive or negative, hopeful or worried, sure or confused I am not an emotion, not turbulent or calm…
Fuzzy Girls: Ten Lessons on Coping with Stress
I live with two tiny, fuzzy yodas. With simple action and minimal communication, they offer profound lessons on stress management. Watch them for a day, just one, and you will know everything you need to about how to move through stress. Abbey We got Abbey, nickname Abbs or big girl,…