Have you heard the myth that it takes 21 days (just 3 weeks) to develop a new habit? It would be great if that were true. But, unfortunately, it isn’t. Not even a little bit. It is mainly based on experiential, non-scientific evidence (http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/form-a-habit1.htm), and according to my life, the…
An Insightful Lesson on Prayer
The comedy Evan Almighty seems an unusual place to find profound wisdom, but, alas, it is there. If you haven’t seen this movie from 2007, it is a lighthearted family-friendly good time. The movie follows a supporting character from the first film Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey. Evan, played by…
Forgetting and Remembering
I’m not a book highlighting kind of gal. I know that I probably won’t remember to go back and look up what stuck out to me, so I stay in the moment with reading and enjoy insights as they come….and go. Of course when something does stick with me, I…
The Fractal Theory of Living
Fractals I have a thing for fractals. They are widely recognized as futuristic patterns that repeat over and over again. It’s a math thing. Don’t click away yet…this does apply to your life. In fractals, there are certain mathematical properties that are shared from the smallest to the largest components…
What We Can Learn about Affirmations from the Placebo Effect
Affirmations were introduced by French therapist Emile Coué who recommended his patients repeat the phrase, “Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better” (English translation). The practice was to repeat the phrase 20 times each morning and evening. The frequent repetition, called “conscious autosuggestion,” was thought to change…
Turning Off the TV
According to Nielsen report, the average American watches between 37 and 40 hours of live and DVR TV each week. I’ve decided to do something about that, again, in my household. I say “again” because I have a love/guilt relationship with the TV. Since I was sick a lot growing…