Time to get writing! Tomorrow, Friday, July 26th is the last day to submit an essay for the Chronic Resilience essay contest. The topic is: Who are you chronically resilient for? Top prize is $250 and two additional essays will be honored with spa gift baskets full of self-pampering goodies.…
Warrior Women: Sarah & Lauren
I wanted Chronic Resilience to be representative of a wide range of experiences, so I set out to find a group of resilient women to share their tips, tricks and insights from living with challenging health conditions. Each chapter in the book contains a conversation with a woman who is…
How to Break a New Habit
Have you heard the myth that it takes 21 days (just 3 weeks) to develop a new habit? It would be great if that were true. But, unfortunately, it isn’t. Not even a little bit. It is mainly based on experiential, non-scientific evidence (http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/form-a-habit1.htm), and according to my life, the…
What Not to Do When You’re Sick
There are lots of things to do when you’re coping with an illness: rest, drink green juice, find a good doctor, get support, reduce stress,… The list could go on for days. As important, if not more, are the things you should not do when you’re sick. These are the…
The Fractal Theory of Living
Fractals I have a thing for fractals. They are widely recognized as futuristic patterns that repeat over and over again. It’s a math thing. Don’t click away yet…this does apply to your life. In fractals, there are certain mathematical properties that are shared from the smallest to the largest components…
One Year Vegan-versary and a Trip to the Farm Sanctuary
It has been one delicious year since Phillip and I made the decision to be 100% full-time vegans. We first toyed with the idea after a coworker lent me the book Skinny Bitch. Yes, Phillip got curious and ended up reading it too (it’s what prompted him to become vegetarian).…
What We Can Learn about Affirmations from the Placebo Effect
Affirmations were introduced by French therapist Emile Coué who recommended his patients repeat the phrase, “Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better” (English translation). The practice was to repeat the phrase 20 times each morning and evening. The frequent repetition, called “conscious autosuggestion,” was thought to change…
5 Ways to Make Health Living Simpler
A quick check of any news site’s lifestyle headings will include at least three posts about how you can improve your health. If you did everything suggested at any given time, your life would be exclusively dedicated to your diet, exercise routines and stress management practices. Some of these things…
A Low-Sodium Kick-in-the-Pants
Years ago, I got the low-sodium spiel from my doctor. Blood pressure, as it relates to your kidney is circular. Your kidney regulates the amount of sodium, and hence water, in your system; this regulates your blood pressure. As your kidney function declines, your blood pressure increases. From the other…