Phillip and I were back for a checkup this week. I know better than this. I know that I should stay in the moment, say my affirmations and expect the best. But that’s the ideal and sometimes the ideal just isn’t where I am at on a particular day. I…

Phillip and I were back for a checkup this week. I know better than this. I know that I should stay in the moment, say my affirmations and expect the best. But that’s the ideal and sometimes the ideal just isn’t where I am at on a particular day. I…
The Norwegian diet is related to their location on the globe. Up in the frigid arctic waters where they are situated exists an abundance of seafood and wild game which takes up a big portion of their dinner plate. Breakfast was fairly typical European with lots of breads, jams, fruit,…
When I was young and had to go to the doctor or dentist, my mom and I would always go out to eat afterward. Usually to somewhere like The Souplantation (a soup/salad bar) which to a child is a smorgasbord of deliciousness. My young mind began to associate the idea…
I loved living in Portland, Oregon. Phillip and I spent 4 years there, and each time we visit it feels like home. Here’s a picture of the view from the back of our house. I would sit for hours and stare out at that yard. When we knew that we…
I am sitting in my doctor’s office. It is 3:30, time for miracles. In 15 minutes the doctor will tell me that I’m in “late stage 4” kidney disease, a.k.a. getting close to kidney failure. He will urge me to start contemplating dialysis “just in case your transplant plans fall…