My favorite thing on this Friday is laughter. I mean, who doesn’t love laughing? When you have an chronic health condition, it is practically essential. Of course funny movies are good. Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory can be hilarious, but could you find humor in your own medical…
Seek Love First
Deepak Chopra tweeted, “If we seek happiness first, everything else will follow.” What do you think “everything else” is? Money? Love? Health? The message implies that if you want specific things the way to get them is through happiness. This sets up a qualifier. I’m seeking happiness, but really I…
Turning Off the TV
According to Nielsen report, the average American watches between 37 and 40 hours of live and DVR TV each week. I’ve decided to do something about that, again, in my household. I say “again” because I have a love/guilt relationship with the TV. Since I was sick a lot growing…
10 Things to be Grateful for with Illness
I would never say that I’m grateful to have chronic health issues, but there are blessings that can come out of challenging health, if you know where to look. Here are my top 10: Acceptance. Acceptance is one of the most important skills we can cultivate. It is inevitable that…
I Am Not My Body
I am not my body I am not confined by my skin or defined by a diagnosis I am not a state of mind: tired, frustrated, lost I am not a thought, positive or negative, hopeful or worried, sure or confused I am not an emotion, not turbulent or calm…
Post Medical Starbucks Deliciousness
When I was young and had to go to the doctor or dentist, my mom and I would always go out to eat afterward. Usually to somewhere like The Souplantation (a soup/salad bar) which to a child is a smorgasbord of deliciousness. My young mind began to associate the idea…