You’ve seen the top 25 breakfasts, snacks and dinners, so it’s lunch time. Here’s a handy-dandy list of vegan lunches to satisfy all cravings. I have eaten all of these meals, many between the hours of noon and 1 PM. However, my go-to meal that I eat over, and over,…

It’s a Vegan Obsession
I’ve been fairly obsessed with cooking these days. OK, I’ve always been obsessed, but this is becoming slightly ridiculous. I’ve had my Thanksgiving menu planned for weeks now, and it has grown by at least three dishes from last year. My obsession started with watching waaayyy too much Food Network…

Native Foods Cookbook
“We just ate at the best restaurant. Have you heard of Native Foods?” It was my dad on the line excitedly telling me about a new vegan restaurant that moved in just down the street from his home. He isn’t vegan, but has professed, on several occasions, his love for…

Vegan Broccoli Pesto
Two weeks ago I was craving Healthy Happy Life’s vegan pesto, but I didn’t have basil or pine nuts, or the will to drive to the store for that matter. I did have broccoli on hand and figured it’s green. Thus, the broccoli pesto was invented. To my surprise, it…

Top 25 Healthy Vegan Snacks
Each afternoon, around 3pm, I just need a little something. Either out of restlessness or true hunger, the kitchen always calls to me in the afternoon. When I make my grocery list, I think about what I have on hand to snack on. Because I keep my diet low-sodium, this…

The Broccoli Mac
The broccoli mac is a creation from my childhood. We were a hippie veggie family which meant that I didn’t try meat until I was seven at a friend’s house. Side note, meatloaf should not be the first thing a kiddo tries, it turned me off for a good long…